Live Radio Schedule
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Displaying Upcoming Shows by @vikingdiaries
Creator | Date | Time | Title | Description | Category(s) | Genre(s) | Action | ||||
@vikingdiaries |
Sun Dec 15 | 11:00 AM | TVD Live: Sunday from Sweden S | Tunes and tales to keep you company for Sunday brunch, lunch or your afternoon nap. Live from southern Sweden! #rnra (60 mins.) | Life & Culture | Storytelling, Travel, Outdoors, Culture Clash | |||||
@vikingdiaries |
Wed Dec 18 | 9:30 AM | TVD Live: Hump Day Edition W | Celebrating the half-way point of the traditional M-F work week, when it's officially legal to start focusing on the weekend! #rnra (60 mins.) | Life & Culture | Storytelling, pop culture, LGBTQ, Sweden |
TVD Live: Sunday from Sweden
Tunes and tales to keep you company for Sunday brunch, lunch or your afternoon nap. Live from southern Sweden! #rnra
Life & Culture
Storytelling, Travel, Outdoors, Culture Clash
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